Lets Creat better Future Generation ! Lets join the Garbhasanskara!
The object of Garbha Sanskara technique is to create a healthy, good looking, brilliant, cultured,
peace loving and free from disorders progeny for the future.
Since ancient times it has been known that the child in the womb adopts impressions from its
surroundings and the behavior of its mother and also starts learning things. This fact has now
been confirmed by modern science.
The health of the parents is directly responsible for the health of a child. Not only their
physical health, but also their psychological and spiritual health affects the child in the womb.
The surrounding environment, the food, the activities, positive or negative thinking, in fact
everything the mother is exposed to during the pregnancy directly affects the child. In Garbha
Sanskar technique we teach to correct all the related things in positive manner to get best results
in baby.
Garbh Sanskar is based on traditional practices and prepared after much research, with the hope that children born with good health,
intelligence, love & culture will ensure a bright future for our planet as they are the real property of any family, society & country. It is the
best investment of the world, which give infinite times returns in our life.
Garbhasanskar Procedure
This technique is great and systematic combination of purification of our body, purification of
sperms & ovum, conception in special astrological situation, special herbal formulation, yagna
with special mantra & herbal medicines, special diet, special mantra chanting & anushthan, yoga
with its all eight parts, psychotherapy & so many other things. Garbh sanskar works on all the
level of body, mind & soul. It insures safe pregnancy & enjoying motherhood.
1. Pre Conceiving (Beej Sanskar)
2. During Pregnancy (Garbha Sanskar)
3. After Delivery (Shishu Sanskar)
A: Complete Pre-Natal Program:
The ideal program for expectant families as it covers all information relevant to the nine months
of pregnancy, birth and the post partum period. Every pregnancy is unique and special and
every couple who undergoes our unique program can feel the difference.
What the program will cover ?
• Diet and Nutrition
• General Pregnancy Information
• Exercises
• Labor and Delivery
• Infant Care
• Breast Feeding
• Post Natal Care & Recovery
• Baby Massage and Bath
The above program is covered over 20 hours spread over 12 sessions. Sessions are conducted as
per your trimester. Registration begins at 12 weeks.
B: Regular Pre-Natal Exercise Classes:
Pre-natal group exercise class covering all relevant exercises and breathing techniques. Exercises
done under close supervision in small groups.
C: Post Natal Exercises:
Its time to bring our muscles back to the pre-pregnancy tone and this is best achieved with a post
natal routine. So before you hit the gym, do enroll in our post natal program which helps you
with Breast feeding and weight control diets and simple routines which you can follow along
with taking care of a demanding new born.
Sessions are arranged by appointment.