Back & Neck Treatment

Complete All-Natural Back Care with Lasting Result
Back pain is a very common health complaint, affecting up to eighty percent of
the population at some point in their lives. Back pain may
be a result of mechanical causes (strains from prolonged
wrong posture etc), degenerative conditions, infection,
inflammation, bone disease, referred pain from other areas
of the body and psychogenic pain (originating in the mind
rather than the body).
There are many treatment options for back pain and most
of them stretch the tight muscles and even correct the
skeletal mis-alignment. In most cases this is relieving -
temporarily. None of then address the deep issues such as
emotional stress or tissue depletion directly. Understanding
pain is vital here. What causes a musculo-skeletal pain?
Muculo-Skeletal Back and Neck Pain
When a tissue is overused and under nourished, it gets depleted, and looses
its elasticity and flexibility. It proceeds into tightness, constriction or stiffness
an next into pain or discomfort. In the final states we loose ability to function
properly due to serious and severe damage.
Effective therapies
Effective but brief course of Panchkarma therapies for chronic back and neck pain. Usually
with a course of 5 therapies you pain subsides. Most musculo-skeletal
conditions respond instantly to this ancient therapy that is adapted to modern
times with high potency herbal medicines and Yoga.
Herbo-Thermal Panchakarma Therapy (HTPT)
Our advanced HTPT treatment relaxes and improves the circulation in the
affected tissues with its warmth and the high potency herbal oil/medicines repairs
and rebuilds the tissues, giving us lasting results. Performed daily, many
clients are pain-free!
Powerful, Safe therapies
After a consultation all suitable clients receive a course of Herbo-Thermal Panchakarma
therapy (HTPT). A week later they receive an assessment. Usually the pain and
discomforts are subsided up to 100% this time in most cases. HTPT is relaxing
and non-invasive.
Lasting results
When the damaged soft tissues are nourished, repaired and well rested, they
should function as new and normal. HTPT program encourages this.